Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Setting of "The Grapes of Wrath"

The Grapes of Wrath had quite a variety of settings. The Joads travel halfway across the country just looking for work so they can earn some money. The book begins with the Joads in Oklahoma, where they have lived for generations. They have a quaint little farm that the whole family loves. No one wants to leave, but they must. The bank drives them out because they can not pay the mortgage. They move to Uncle John's for a while to try to get back on their feet. Uncle John's farm is a pretty dreary farm that they do not all fit in and have a hard time staying in. Soon they realize that they need mone, so they decide to move west because they had heard that there was work out there. They prepare all of their family and their belongings, and head to California. They live in tents and under a tarp for the next few weeks. They are all extremely crowded and do not like staying as close together as they must, and their roofs leak, but they have learned to deal with it and not complain. They live in their tents and under their tarp until the Hooversville they had been staying in was burnt. The Hoversville was not really a town at all. It was a group of shcaks and tents decently close to a source of water. There were not sanitary conditions, but no one seemed to care, because no one can do anything about it. After the Hooversville, they moved to a government camp, which had much better conditions. They had toilets, showers, sinks to wash clothers in, running water that could be made hot, and dances. The government camp was governed by the people in it, and they did not allow police officers in. Soon, though, they needed more work, so they had to leave the government camp. They moved to a boxcar that was more like the Hooversville they started in. They were just closer to the river and were elevated above the ground, which helped them greatly. They only disadvantage was htat htey had to share the boxcar with another family, but they quickly got over it. The book ends with them in a barn getting shelter from a storm. There are many settings in The Grapes of Wrath, and they are all interesting.

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